Mount Eden Pharmacy
What other Aucklanders are saying about Mount Eden Pharmacy.
Sarah Massey : Was looking for a hot water bottle which they stocked. Felt like it was more of a holistic/natural remedies place than a pharmacy (at least by UK standards) but everyone was very friendly.
Briana Putnam : The pharmacist took the time to answer my questions and was extremely knowledgeable. Really appreciated the service yesterday 🙂
Trilby Conway : Took in a friend from up North to get a foundation she was after. An older, very well dressed woman looked up computer, but they do not stock that brand. was most helpful in letting us know where we could purchase it and gave us her pharmacy number to make things easier. most helpful
Tomomi Kai : I had a misfortune to come across the lady who everybody complains about in the reviews. Unfriendly, cold, unwelcoming customer service. If you are unlucky to be served by this lady not some of the other employees, be prepared to have an uncomfortable experience. Not surprised at all to read all these negative comments about her.
Tom P : Disgustingly overpriced and unfriendly. Never paid so much for a prescription, go elsewhere.
Handsfree Property : The lady staff who is in charge of taking photos is SO RUDE and AGGRESSIVE! I had never had such a terrible experience in New Zealand.
My passport photo taken there was rejected. I had to go there to retake, which is the ugliest photo ever. I asked for a hard copy which was paid in my last payment. But she kept aggressively challenging why the photo was rejected. I told her I really don’t know the reason and the application is online. It was rejected automatically without any reason given. But she kept asking and saying “it’s impossible…” I felt I was treated like a fraudulent (just for a couple dollars worth of photo).
Don’t suggest anyone go there, especially if you have any heart problems or high blood pressure!
Sean M : Came up when I searched for Justice of Peace JP. They do not offer this service here.
Simon Hema :
Toni Wilson : Brilliant pharmacy – have nothing but praise! All of the staff go absolutely above and beyond. They are friendly, knowledgeable, helpful, kind, and patient. They have delivered a large number of prescriptions to my home, sometimes several times a week in recent months, especially when I have been unwell and unable to pick them up myself – and have accommodated this willingly and happily without any complaint. Nothing is too much trouble, and is consistently dealt with professionally, understandingly and compassionately. The best pharmacy I have ever used by a long way. Very grateful for all of your help. Thank you so much to your team.